"When dawn spreads its paintbrush on the plain, spilling purple... ," Sons of the Pioneers theme for TV show "Wagon Train." Dawn on the mythic Santa Fe Trail, New Mexico, looking toward Raton from Cimarron. -- Clarkphoto. A curmudgeon artist's musings melding metaphors and journalism, for readers in more than 150 countries.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Snow Moon Rising

"Snow Moon Rising," 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas panel, palette knives, brushes

storm. Lovely. Quiet. Romantic. Thinking time. Memory maker. Poetry prompt. Art influence.  Prayer prod. 

As long as you're safe and warm inside, that is. The prayers and thoughts for those not as fortunate or who you care for...the hungry, the homeless, the cold, the ill, the lonely, and family and friends far away.

My thoughts also turn to memories of cabins, mountains, friends, special people, the list goes on.

Flakes steadily coming down outside my studio window  today took a while to percolate and inspire before I picked  up a canvas and brushes. I still wasn't sure where it would go, until I started to mix  colors.

Actually, I only mixed one color, Ultramarine blue, along with a touch of black, and lots of titanium white for grays. If it had been watercolor, the paper would have served as white, but I wanted to try acrylics.

I wanted to imply a story for imagination, given the weather, and then I also remembered the color of moonlight  on snow. Most snow is not actually white, so blue and the moon were essential. I also found that the February full moon is appropriately the "Snow Moon."

I've written about, and painting cabins many times,  and that's because they evoke so many memories over the years with family, friends and more. "Where's our cabin?" is an invitation to a journey. Thus today's painting. You imagine the story.

Soon to be framed and available at In Your Eye Studio & Gallery in Paseo Arts District

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