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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Student comments

This is the last day of blogging class for my students. Their assignment--suggestions for improvement.


  1. NOTHING- This class is awesomely structured. I love the freeness of the blogging.

  2. I really like this class and the only thing I would change was more interesting guest speakers.

  3. Let's get away from Blogger and move over to something like Wordpress

  4. Let's get rid of that attendance policy! Also never bring back that horrible lady, she was horrible.

  5. Teach students how to take word verification off their blog comments. It takes me too long to comment on everyone's blog with that stuff on there. Here is a site on how to take it off.

  6. The one thing I would change about this class - RUDE SPEAKERS!!!

    I lied. There are two things.
    The second,
    Commenting on EVERYONE'S blog. Maybe 5. Or 1.

  7. An improvement to the class would be mandatory comments and feedback to blogs... it can be discouraging when you don't have comments or many paige views.

    OVERALL. LOVE THE CLASS! Great :) I would take it again!

  8. I would get new guest speakers. Maybe pick a few who aren't as self centered and liberal(excuse my political views). Dave Rhea is the exception,He was good

  9. The class is already structured well...but maybe in the beginning focus more on getting the fancier layouts/templates...other bells and whistles.

    Loved the class!

    Samantha M.

  10. My one improvement for the class would be to provide better air conditioning. Even in the back of the room it still feels like a sauna. The people in the from must be scorching.

    Matt Farthing

  11. I think you should assign some specific things to blog about. Just a few, not for every post.

  12. Maybe use one more day of class to help us figure out what to blog about!
    But that might just be me, since I had a hard time deciding!
    I loved this class and have recommended it to 3 people already!
    -Kenzie Heidelberg

  13. I really enjoyed this class a lot! I would say if I could change anything it would be more guest speakers. I liked hear other peoples perspectives on blogging.It was really informative and interesting when we did have guest speaker, so that would me the thing I would change, that is to add more speakers!! ~ Laura Alsobrook

  14. Moving the guest speakers to a different room so they can see us and we can see them. I know that may be a difficult thing to arrange, but maybe if a room change is planned in advance we wouldn't be so distracted during speakers.

  15. The one thing I could see for improvement is moving to an hour class because the hour and a half is a little long for this class! Other than that, great class!

  16. I thought blogging was a lot of fun and a creative way to express our personalities and interests. A few days ago you said next semester discussion would be in a different classroom, which I think is a great idea. It would be much more interactive that way.

  17. I loved the guest speakers in the field of blogging, so keep that! I would have liked to have more of the guest speakers at the beginning of the semester so that we can know what to do quicker! That is my suggestion. Also, maybe a lesson on designing our website in a more custom way. Lauren B. Belflower

  18. I think a change I would make to the class is...I would have liked to have more design time for our blogs. Coming into this class I really did not know how to make my blog look appealing to the reader and show off my personality. I would try to set up a guest speaker who can show us simple ways to make our blogs look cute and creative while matching our blog topic.

    Also, I think I would want to use Wordpress because you have more control of what your blog looks like.

    BUT, all in all this was my favorite class and I really enjoyed learning more about blogging. :)

    Courtney Bass

  19. I loved the class, it's hard to come up with something to change. If I had to suggest one thing it would be to go somewhere to learn about blogging in place of one of the guest speakers.

    Macy Fitzgerald


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