"Gate to High Lonesome," 14 by 22 watercolor, sold. |
Western gates fascinate me. I don't know why, except perhaps they hint of paths not taken, of mystery, of places to explore. I find myself including them in paintings. One of my favorites was by my Dad, of a cowboy opening a gate in the middle of a wile landscape, his horse waiting. He called it "Heading to High Lonesome." the painting is lost, but not the memory.
It's not by accident that I've painted several such gates, including "The Gate to High Lonesome."
The gates beckon to be opened, opening the imagination.
I love gates also. Where my Mother comes from up in Idaho and Wyoming they call the main gates "Wickets" because they had a post or wire strung across the top. I finally figured out why my uncles like to take me out when they were checking the cattle. My purpose was to open and close all the dad burned gates we came across. I'm slow but I got it after a while.