"When dawn spreads its paintbrush on the plain, spilling purple... ," Sons of the Pioneers theme for TV show "Wagon Train." Dawn on the mythic Santa Fe Trail, New Mexico, looking toward Raton from Cimarron. -- Clarkphoto. A curmudgeon artist's musings melding metaphors and journalism, for readers in more than 150 countries.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

twittering at UCO-a social media university

@okieprof #clarkclass

Twitter for journalists class  is back in session, and our guest professionals today were Adrienne Nobles, assistant vice-president in University Relations, and Monica Helms, social media and web marketing director.
They spoke about UCO's use of "social media," offered advice and answered questions from my students.
Subjects included everything from law and ethics to common sense advice. Both with-it women are stars in UCO's modern approach to education. Adrienne is like me--more a viewer of twitter than a user, but seasoned with experience in media and public relations. Monica is an unending source of quotes.

They also have their own twitter accounts, and know that they always represent UCO, even when it's personal.
After they left, we conducted our debriefing. Each student offered at least one insight learned. As we've done with three previous speakers in earlier blog posts, and in the next three the rest of this week, here's a summary.  You can see more comments by searching @okieprof #clarkclass. Here's what was mentioned, dutifully recorded by my student Lacey Rhodes, @laceymrhodes.

  • “There is freedom of speech but not freedom from consequence.”
  • Don’t be afraid to tweet your passions.
  • “It only takes one match to burn down the house.”
  • Monica plans out her tweets, seasonally and around activities.
  • It’s not the things that are relevant it’s us that has to stay relevant to those things.
  • Sometimes we have to bite our tongue.
  • A healthy sense of paranoia is probably a good thing.
  • Commit yourself to life-long learning.
  • Know what your peers are doing. 
  • Be relatable and approachable.
  • Act on the idea that the “internet is forever”
  • Always pretend you are on the clock. You still represent your employer.
  • UCO needs to be the social media university.
  • Don’t be shy but yet approachable.
  • Make connections with people you don’t necessarily follow.
  • You always represent your employer.
  • Main goal: get others to share your content.
  • Build relationships in your community.
  • Be able to adapt to the different stories of the different people.
  • The bad weather was communicated through social media.
  • You should always be learning even when you are out of school.
  • Every once in a while you should do a google search of yourself. 

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