"When dawn spreads its paintbrush on the plain, spilling purple... ," Sons of the Pioneers theme for TV show "Wagon Train." Dawn on the mythic Santa Fe Trail, New Mexico, looking toward Raton from Cimarron. -- Clarkphoto. A curmudgeon artist's musings melding metaphors and journalism, for readers in more than 150 countries.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time and a dripping candle

Time drips away
like wax on a burning candle,
one layer on another,
building up
while shrinking.
Unpredictable patterns
and colors creating
living from dying.
When the flame is gone,
memories remain
like colorful stalactites
in a dry cavern
that once dripped
with water and life.

My friend Bob Illidge, who died 7 years ago, brought this Chianti to a dinner at our house. We toast him every time we're with friends, and the wine bottle-candle holder is a powerful piece of art in our house.

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