"When dawn spreads its paintbrush on the plain, spilling purple... ," Sons of the Pioneers theme for TV show "Wagon Train." Dawn on the mythic Santa Fe Trail, New Mexico, looking toward Raton from Cimarron. -- Clarkphoto. A curmudgeon artist's musings melding metaphors and journalism, for readers in more than 150 countries.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Eight year ago Veterans' Day memories

Salute to a sailor on veterans' Day, Susan and I with my Uncle Mike in LaFonda, Santa Fe, early 2000s. --Leith Laws photo
Some days seem unsettled, at first for no apparent reason, even on a pleasant, peaceful back porch day like this.
 Friends' Facebook posts have begun showing up, mentioning Veterans' Day tomorrow and featuring old photos of loved ones, parents and ancestors who served in the military.
Though I'm not a veteran, I come from a long line of veterans who served four countries in North America: the armies of the 13 colonies before there was a United States, the Republic of Texas, the Confederate States of America, and  obviously, the United States of America.
Most recently of course, my favorite veteran is my oldest son Vance Clark, retired after a career with the Air Force.
But what got me to thinking, and why I realized I felt unsettled, was that eight years ago today, I spoke at the funeral of my favorite uncle, Michael Henry Clark, at the National Cemetery in Santa Fe.
I've written about him many times over the years, and won't rehash that, but he and all the other veterans deserve a salute and a "Thank you." 
Thus this brief writing, and remembrance, and bringing peace, even with some sadness, but more with price and thankfulness to what had been an unsettled day.
A favorite photo, above, he and Susan and I at the bar in La Fonda from a few years ago is on a shelf in my office/studio room.
If you care to read my comments at his funeral on that day eight years ago, on that sailor's final port of call, here are two links:

Saludos, mi tio. Gracias.

And, also to M/Sgt. Vance Clark, USAF Ret. (Photo from his retirement ceremony)