"When dawn spreads its paintbrush on the plain, spilling purple... ," Sons of the Pioneers theme for TV show "Wagon Train." Dawn on the mythic Santa Fe Trail, New Mexico, looking toward Raton from Cimarron. -- Clarkphoto. A curmudgeon artist's musings melding metaphors and journalism, for readers in more than 150 countries.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Prairie skyscraper-watercolor

"Overhead," today's 9 x 12 watercolor, 140 3 Fabriano Artistico
Look up, way up.
Before the cold front hit, beautiful towering thunderheads towered over us. It's hard to show how much they dominate when you're close. But this is the first attempt. There will be another. And the photo from our front yard that inspired it.
Great Plains. Out here there's the sky. 


Why I am a newspaper man--listen to that press


Retirement Reverie--5B--My UCO Colleagues

At the retirement reception, I didn't get to greet everyone there, or talk much in the blur of the crowd and activity, and I wish there'd been more time to get photos with everyone. Here are more of my UCO colleagues who have helped make my life a success and joy.
First photo is with friend, former dean and vice president Gary Steward who presented the obligatory Old North photo, the Regents proclamation, and as important to me, his praise for me not being afraid of taking  on the administration at various times. 
Second is with Charlie Johnson, now in charge of University Relations--with Mark Hanebutt and son Travis in background. We're laughing at our standing joke. When I first met Charlie, I said, "I hate broadcasters." He responded, "I hate print people." Now we both agree, the world has indeed changed. 
We're all in the same digital boat.
Chemistry prof Cheryl Frech, and sister Lynne Baldwin Matzell,  my OSU alum
Fred Groz, retired, who my daughter Dallas worked for years ago

David Duty and Joe Hight
Mark Scott, Sumps in the background
Moose Tyler, and Sherry Johnson
Former chairs-Steve Garrison, Dave Ford and Fred Groz--I squint a lot
Jeff Hagy
My chair, Mary Carver
Just a faculty member  honored that President Betz came.

Friend Mark Hanebutt telling stories

Friends David Lowry of OC and Robin and Donna Acker

Sandy Martin, Jill Lambeth at table, Bill Hickman in green, the Kelseys and Sherri Johnson
Joking about "The  Paper," David Duty, Jeff Hagy, Mark Zimmerman, the Sumps

This is about it, a few  more photos and a link coming in next post--obviously this becomes my digital archive.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Retirement Reverie--Part 5A--My UCO colleagues

I think I just joked UCO would name a Port-a-Potty after me . Mary Carver and Mark Hanebutt
 Too many photos, but not enough. So I'm dividing this into two posts. I couldn't greet everyone nor get all the photos I wanted. Alas. But here's the first part of some very special people in my life. Much of my success is due to their friendship and support.
President Betz. Kateleigh Mills and Elizabeth Spence of Vista in background

My dear, dear freind Jill Kelsey, retired professor

Sherri Johnson is as close to a sister as I have

Christy Vincent like a sister too

My "other wife" Sherry Sump--my right arm when I was chair-- and husband Gary

Former students and colleagues, Mark Zimmerman, Zach Nash
The conspirators who put out my special paper of memories.
Ooops--forgot these alums--Sara Cowan, Sheri Guyse, Desiree Treeby in background
Crowd--colleagues--Dez Hill foreground, Gypsy Hogan right, and lots of others I never go photos with.
More photos coming.

Retirement reverie, 4 of 5--The Oklahoma Press

Oklahoma Press Association  honcho Mark Thomas spinning a yarn. Zach and Kathy Nash in the background.
been honored to be a member and associated with the Oklahoma Press Association for 45 years, working with journalists all over the state, many of whom are great friends. 

Pam Henry is a dear friend. Steve  Garrison, Dave Ford are UCO colleagues.
My emphasis has always been community journalism, and the newspaper people are my community also.  I was pleased that some of them attended my reception.
It's a community of  barbs, jokes, humor and stories based on years of experience. You know who your friends are when they gig you--it comes from years in the trenches of journalism's stress and satisfactions--mutual earned respect..
Next--my UCO colleagues.

The women of OPA, Ashley Novachich, Lisa Potts, and my editor Jennifer Gilliland. 
Old friend Steve Booher and I walked football sidelines at Duncan & Waurika.

I don't know what story Mark told, but it was good, and maybe true. UCO college Mark Hamebutt in background.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Retirement reverie, 3--My students--lots of hugs

Students--why I teach and hugs.
Lot of hugs and I didn't get to see everyone, alas, or get photos of everyone I wanted. But, here are some of the best--Photos by Lauren Bieri. Yes, I know, they could be cropped better. Just trying to stay on schedule.

From OSU days...Richard Mize and Lynne Baldwin Matzell

Steve Curry, USN (Ret.) drove up from Houston

Mark Zimmerman and Zach Nash who masterminded the paper
Kelley Chambers and Heidi Centrella
Dr. Angel Riggs, OSU prof
Amy Welch, CPA Association PR wizard
Jennifer Palmer and Marta Burcham
Sara "Brat" Cowan
Harold Story and Meredith Zimmerman
Heide Brandeis
Current students...Misty Jordan, Jessica Phillips
Elizabeth Spence of The Vista
Ashley Trattner
Cassidy Jackson
Jim Hulsey

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Booth is a transformational verb--chapter 2

From August, 2009

...the higher education metaphorical circle cribbage board..."

Chapter 2

And on the second day, after enduring students who couldn’t spell, fuming about students who thought assignments were optional, and ruminating about students who thought average work was excellent, the duo gathered in the afternoon near the hive of the Queen bee to recuperate. They dropped into their chairs, with greatest of sighs and moans, seeking to wash away the greasy taste of the lunch and mediocre students with the bitter dregs of that morning’s coffee.

Alas, even after much commiserating, and exchanging understanding jocularity with the Queen, still persisted the sourness in their mouths. Whereupon, the Clark, because as chair he was supposed to have great ideas, suggested another trip to the booth, even though he knew he would probably again lose the battle of the cribbage board, but he knew the frivolity and ferment of the drinks would offset it. Up perked the ears of other equally frustrated faculty members—especially the German complainer, the public relations princess, and Friar John, the photographic monk--who happened to come into the office to kill time and postpone grading papers or avoid attending meaningless committee meetings.

" ...a pedagogical concept had transformational  learning possibilities..."

"Booth?" they asked—because they had already heard intimations of immortality from the Illidge’s boasting, and the Queen’s complicity--and when once explained and located, they affirmed that such an pedagogical concept had transformational learning possibilities, because, lo, all were as thirsty as the Ancient Mariner for more than the dregs of everyday life. Whereas, it was only 3 p.m., and early perhaps for liquid refreshment, the Clark, because he was chair and was experienced in scheduling meetings and wished atonement for his sins, proposed a 4 p.m. rendezvous with reality, and the bosomy bartender. The frustrated trio immediately departed the hive, heading to their offices to finish grading, turn off computers, clear desks, or otherwise waste time.

Then it was that the Illidge said, in his great and superior wisdom, “It’s five o’clock somewhere. Let’s go.” And with much insult, he did challenge the Clark to another embarrassing loss on the higher ed metaphorical circular cribbage board. And lo, forth they did sally to the booth, and the evening’s debauchery began.

To be continued….

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Misty memories

Misty memories, 9" by 12" watercolor, 140 # Fabriano Artistico, #12 round sable brush
Mountains rise in my memory,  mysteries early in the mornings when mists rise  and reflect dawn's colors.
Spring thoughts from the Great Plains, thinking of times and places far away.

Retirement reverie--Part 2--The fam, & surprises

(Photos and stories on my colleagues, my students and the press coming next.)
Two family surprises awaited me at the retirement reception last week at UCO. 
I knew my daughter-in-law Kerin Clark and three granddaughters were driving up from San Antonio, since my oldest son, Vance,  was working in the U.K. And I hadn't heard from my son Travis, the Rock Mountain man. 
He walked in the door just as the reception was getting  underway. 
And then Kerin got Vance to greet me and the crowd by face time on the phone. My other two, daughter Dallas and son Derrick, simply couldn't get here because of conflicts and distance. 
Most of these photos need no cutlines. Photos by Lauren Bieri, Mark Zimmerman, Susan Clark, Dez Hill.

Alexx, me, Kerin, Susan, and Neysa, Sarah and Katherine